OneNote Gem Add-Ins

Quickly create OneNote daily journal by One Click

OneNote Gem - Favorite v18 provide a new feature to quickly create daily journal.

Create an OneNote Journal Notebook

In OneNote, create a notebook and named "Journal" ( or other else ).
Journal Notebook
Journal Notebook
Setting Journal Feature for OneNote

OK, next we setting the OneNote Journal feature to create daily journal page in "Journal" notebook.

Click "OneNote Gem - Favorites" -> "Navigation" tab -> "Journal" command.
This command will pop up a Journal Options dialog to help you setting journal information.

In this example, click "Current Notebook" to set the "Journal" notebook as daily journal notebook.
OneNote Journal Options
OneNote Journal Options
Create Daily Journal Page on OneNote Ribbon

After click "OK" button.  You can find Journal command will create a "2015" section group, a "July" section and a "19" page in "Journal" notebook.

  • Next day, click "Journal" command will create a "20" page in "July" section.
  • Next Month, click "journal" command will create a "August" section and a "01" page in "2015" section group.
  • "Journal" command also can navigate to the today page if it has existed.
Create Daily Journal Page on OneNote Ribbon
Create Daily Journal Page on OneNote Ribbon
Create Daily Journal Page Without Running OneNote

You also can create daily journal page without running OneNote.
To do this, you need to setting "OneNote Navigator" run at Windows system start.
Run Navigator at Windows Start
Run Navigator at Windows Start
After do this, you can find "OneNote Navigator" icon appear on Windows Tray Region. Right click on "OneNote Navigator" tray icon, click the "New Journal Page" on pop up menu. It will pop up a Mini OneNote window of the daily journal page.
OneNote Mini Journal Page
OneNote Mini Journal Page
Download OneNote Gem - Favorites